Science, Science Saturday

10 Thanksgiving Science Experiments

Last month I created “Science Saturday” where I shared a new science video every Saturday and got an amazing response. Everyone loved them. So, I’ve decided to continue them and while I won’t be doing them every single week like last month, I will commit to doing them once a month.

I’m also starting a monthly STEM challenge to go along with Science Saturday. It’s for subscribers ONLY! You won’t find the challenge anywhere on the blog, so sign up! It’s FREE!!!

10 Fun Thanksgiving Science Experiments

These science experiments are meant to try during meal prep, during dinner, and even after Thanksgiving! Challenge your family to see if they know how to get a straw through a potato, or which soda cans will float or even whip up some butter on the spot!

Tablecloth Trick – 0:15 Regrow Food Scraps– 0:57 Clarifying Coke– 1:30 Bendy Bone – 2:42 Pierce a Potato – 3:26 DIY Butter – 4:12 Wine Glass Music – 4:51 Soda Can Float– 5:36 Cranberry Chemistry – 6:50

Soda Can Shake Up -8:14