
Father’s Day Gift For The Tech-Savvy Dad That Kids Enjoy Too!

My husband is an Electrical Engineer and he loves all things tech, so when Creation Crate contacted me and asked me to review one of their electronics projects I happily said yes! I thought it would be a great Father’s Day gift that allowed my Husband to share some of his knowledge with his boys. FYI: You don’t need ANY previous knowledge to complete any of these projects part of the fun is learning a new skill!!!

When I gave it to my husband, he jokingly said. Great more work… hehe. But truthfully he had a lot of fun building it with his oldest son. It was a great Father/Son bonding project. (Disclaimer: I received this project free without expectation a positive review. This post may also contain affiliate links. As always, all my opinions are my own. Please read my full disclosure policy)

Creation Crate has tons of projects like this boom box it’s also a subscription service! I even included them in my Ultimate List of Subscriptions for Homeschoolers awhile back. I adore that it’s a hands on curriculum that is also a subscription. It’s the fun of something new every month mixed with real learning! I really think this company is onto something, tapping into a market that is eager to learn new things. Check out the learning objectives for our boom box project.