
Teach Your Toddler To Read – Hooked On Phonics Review

My favorite place to find homeschool materials is the thrift store! There are so many educational toys and games dropped off. It’s sad that more kids don’t play with these toys but we will gladly give them a good home! A good friend told me years ago, well before I started this blog, that I should blog my thrift store finds. So welcome to the first Thrifty Thursday; a weekly installment of my latest thrift store finds and how we use them in our homeschool day.

For the first week, I feel like it should be something special. Something that we really love or was a great deal. I think this fits the bill.

We were lucky enough to get our Hooked on Phonics for $20, basically unused. Only the first level 1 box was open and only two stickers were used. When I came across them, we only had one child and he was just a year old. However, knowing that we were seriously thinking about homeschooling, we took the risk that we might not use it. Am I GLAD we did!


How do we use it? I broke up the first book into 21 sections, to make it a 21 week course. We started this when our oldest was two and couldn’t wait to start reading. For a fidgety toddler I “jazzed” up the lessons by using toys, puzzle pieces, or making it more interactive. I’ve found that doing little things like that goes a long way. Rather than having him sit and read the book, I would use puzzle pieces, blocks, or anything with letters to show him what the words looked like, as you can see below.


Here is a video I took last summer of my independent little reader.  I love all the little books that come with these sets!

Can’t thrift it, but gotta have it? Here are some affiliate links for your convenience.

Hooked On Phonics: Learn to Read K-2nd Grade Deluxe Edition -The exact one we have.


We got this app years ago at full price $50.00 and love it! Now Educents is having a sale on it! definitely worth the money!


I fell lucky to have gotten it from a thrift store, but honestly I LOVE Hooked on Phonics and would gladly pay the full price! You don’t have to though because Educents is also having a sale on the complete set as well! 57%Off!