App That Helps Track Homeschool State Requirements
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably know I’m a proud Yooper! Meaning, I live in the U.P. Still don’t know what that means? It’s ok, most people don’t. I live in the best little secret of the US — Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, or, the U.P. for short.
Now, in my great state we are not required to show or prove our homeschool. That’s not true everywhere, though. There are several states that require proof. In fact, my good friend and co-host of our podcast Homeschooling in the North Woods (didn’t know I have a podcast? Check it out!) lives in a providence of Canada that requires her to show/prove her homeschool year. HOW STRESSFUL! Or at least I think it would be!
So when I first looked into Flexible School Schedule’s Kickstarter campaign that’s the very first thing I thought. How cool is an app that helps you track your homeschool? It would be very important for people like my co-host who are required to prove it! Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post to help promote Flexible School Schedule’s Kickstarter Campaign meaning I was compensated for my time. As always, all my opinions are my own. Please read my full disclosure policy
If you’ve never heard of Flexible School Schedule, that’s because they are just starting it! This creates a unique opportunity for you to help fund their company! What exactly is Flexible School Schedule and why should you help fund them? It’s a web app that helps you schedule your homeschool and it’s unique because it is designed around the pace of each child and the life of the family, not deadlines that you need to meet or rush toward. It’s structured enough to keep you on track but flexible enough for your life.
Tracking Homeschool Progress with Flexible School Schedule.
- Record what you accomplished with each lesson.
- Record how much time you spent on each lesson.
- No calendar and no dates –– stop if needed and start right where you left off.
- Progress bars give you an overview of each child’s accomplishment.
- Reports are customizable and printable.
Plan your year by flexible terms and weeks per term, not rigid dates and times on a calendar that tend to come undone once real life begins to happen. One of the reasons many of us chose to homeschool was so each child could move at their own pace. And when we homeschool, life still happens (sickness, family, even the occasional bit of fun). Rigid plans are not workable plans because homeschool life is rarely rigid.
Can one child go faster with math? Does another need to go a little slower with reading? Flexible School Schedule can handle it. Even if you must stop school for a couple of days, simply pick back up right where you left off. No alerts screaming that you’re falling behind and no piling up supposedly overdue work onto the current day. Move through each subject at the proper pace for each child.
Flexible School Schedule is about recording what you actually did, when you did it and how long it took you to do it. Progress bars provide an overview of each child’s advancement. Beautifully formatted, customizable and printable reports keep your records up to date and assist you with fulfilling state requirements.
Flexible School Schedule works with your life, not against it.
Why Help Fund Flexible School Schedule?
You get to influence the development of this tool.
People who support Flexible School Schedule are getting in on the ground floor. They have the opportunity to influence and shape the creation of an exciting new tool for homeschool families.
You’re helping a homeschool family launch a dream.
Phillip and Lanaya have been homeschooling their four children for over a decade. For almost a year they have been dreaming and planning Flexible School Schedule. With your help they can make that dream a reality.
You want to use this product.
Flexible School Schedule is unique because it is designed around the pace of each child and the life of the family, not rigid dates and times on a calendar. It’s structured enough to keep you on track but flexible enough to let life happen.