Around the World with Picture Books – Beautiful Feet Books Curriculum
We have been doing unit studies more and more. In fact, the second half of our school year we have focused primarily on unit studies. So, when Beautiful Feet Books contacted me to review their new Around The World with Picture Books curriculum I jumped on it! As you know, I LOVE Beautiful Feet Books’ curriculum but also I knew this would be perfect for creating unit studies in our homeschool.
(Disclaimer: I received Around the World with Picture Books from Beautiful Feet Books free without expectation a positive review. We just really love them! This post may also contain affiliate links. As always, all my opinions are my own. Please read my full disclosure policy)
After looking through the curriculum I was honestly BLOWN away! I mean I loved how their Early American History is set up, but somehow they topped that. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE how they have this organized. It’s almost like they were in my brain and knew exactly how I would want a world geography curriculum.
World Geography Curriculum for Brave Writer Families
The “teacher guide” is set up with different sections for each country, then they break it down by “connections”. It really reminds me of Brave Writer. They have a Poetry Connection (Great for Poetry Tea Time), Nature Connection (great for Nature Journals), Art Connection, a Library Connection to dive even farther into the topics, and they even have some recipes for a Culinary Connection! So, if you’re a Brave Writer Family like us, this curriculum is perfect! They also have lessons each day if you want more structure.
Creating Literature based World Geography Unit Studies for PreK-3rd
As I mentioned above, we have been doing more and more unit studies this past year (and I imagine will continue doing them next year as we love them!) This curriculum has made it super easy to create unit studies. When I create unit studies (and I’m NO expert) I do my best to check off as many subjects as I can , I have a small sheet of paper in my planner that I use as a guide. I try to include a Read-a-Loud, Poetry, Science, Geography, History, and an Art Project. We do Math, Reading, and Writing separately.
One of our unit studies this winter was Antarctica and the arctic. I used Beautiful Feet Books as the spine for my unit study. It looked like this:
Read a Loud – (all of the Beautiful Feet Books the come with the curriculum obviously) I also included Mr. Poppers Penguins (this is a GREAT chapter book for an arctic unit study.)
Poetry – We read poems about winter.
Science – We did the blubber hand experiment and watched Magic School Bus Arctic episode.
We also learned about the different animals all week. The Emperor’s Egg is a wonderful book that’s included inside this curriculum that teaches about the emperor penguins. Pair it with March of the Penguins or Spy in the Huddle (on Netflix) for an awesome movie night. At least that’s what we did.
Geography – I LOVE the Maps book that comes with this curriculum. We talked a lot about antarctica being on the “bottom” and the arctic being on the “top” of the earth.
History – We talked about the explorers and scientists that study antarctica and the arctic. We even made pancakes that the explorers made from the Culinary Connection inside of this curriculum.
Art Project – They have printables inside this curriculum that you could color or paint as part of the “Nature Connection”. However, the art project we did was actually about a polar bear because that day we read books on polar bears.
We also did a unit on Australia and China using this curriculum as a guide. Whether you’re looking for a complete step by step guide or would rather piece together your own curriculum, Around the World with Picture Books is amazing. You could use it either way!