Reading, Reviews

Best Books For Young Readers

We are constantly looking for early reader books for our son. It seems like we can never have enough because he reads 4-5 books a day. This is why I was so excited to try Life Of Fred first readers. They are age appropriate with great content! My son LOVES to read. He started reading when he was two and now, at four years old, he reads at a first grade level. Finding age appropriate but also level appropriate content has been really difficult. There is a big difference between a 4 year old and 7 year old. These books were perfect!

Encourage Reading With Silly Stories Kids WANT to Read!

We are big Life of Fred Fans in this house, and while my son can read the elementary series books with help, its not something he can do on his own or for very long by himself. With the elementary series I typically read most of what’s on the page, then have him “help” me with a paragraph. This is not the case with the first readers. He can read them completely independently. He also loves the fact that they are Life Of Fred and that is just icing on the cake for him!


If you’re not familiar with Life Of Fred, Fred is a little boy who is four years old (in this series) and has a doll named Kingie (KING-GEE). They go on all sorts of adventures together throughout the books. In the beginner reader series they travel to a lake where they find all kinds of silly fun on the journey there. In the second book in the series, “Bus”, they decide they cannot walk to the lake because it’s 200 miles away and that is much too far a walk. They then decide to take a bus. They ask for two tickets and the driver tells them that it will cost $8. But…OH NO! Fred forgot to pack money! I don’t want to spoil anything for you, so I’ll stop there. I will tell you, though, they do make it to the lake!

All this and I haven’t even talked about what’s actually IN the books.

Like any Life Of Fred book, the beginning reader series also teach multiple concepts. Things like: -Colors (Each book focuses on one color) -Telling time -How to read a map -Counting to 30 -About wildlife -Different types of font -Shapes

-Cooking (Yep! Even has a couple recipes!)