
How I Got Life Of Fred In My Local Library

Recently I shared how much we loved Life Of Fred Beginner Readers. They come in sets of six and my son read through all six books in a day and he wanted more. I’m happy to buy them as I think they are completely worth the money. However, if I can get them at the library today that would be even better right? This way my son can keep reading while he is interested.

Help Get More Homeschool Resources In Your Local Library

So we set out to the library to see if they had any. I didn’t think they would but it didn’t hurt to ask! I was correct. They did not have any Life Of Fred books. My son and I naturally started to share why we love the books with the librarian. We told her that we are big Life of Fred Fans in this house, and while my son (who’s 4) can read the elementary series books with help, it’s not something he can do on his own or for very long by himself.  This is not the case with the first readers. He can read them completely independent. He also loves the fact that they are Life Of Fred and that is just icing on the cake for him!

Our librarian had never heard of Life of Fred and was excited to hear about them. She asked if we could bring some in for her to look at. So later that day we took a second trip to the library to show her the books. We brought both the early readers and the elementary series to show her.

Homeschooling is on the rise! Libraries are looking for resources!

Like us, she LOVED them and added them to her list of books to buy. It’s an unexpected yet incredible feeling I have. I feel like I’m helping other homeschoolers (and non-homeschoolers) have access to these awesome books!

Moral of the story, don’t be afraid to suggest books to your local library. They have a budget and many libraries are looking to add more homeschool resources as homeschooling is on the rise!