Science, Science Saturday

10 Science Activities for Slumber Parties or Sleepovers

Hello Friends! I’m so stinking excited to share this month’s Science Saturday video with you. Maybe it’s because we had friends over, maybe it’s because some of these are more “girly” and being a boy mom I don’t get my girly fix in as often. Lol. What ever the reason they were all fun!

Easy Science Activities For Slumber Parties or Sleepovers

These all are all done with stuff around your house or items you can easily find. My inspiration for this was to create science activities that kids could do in a group setting, and each child would have something to take home and remember from the party or sleepover.

Geode Necklace – 0:15 Glitter Slime – 1:14 Fizzy Dip – 2:18 Sharpie Tie Dye– 3:23 Soap Playdough – 4:35 DIY Candle – 5:31` DIY Lip Gloss   – 6:28 Bath Bombs – 7:51 Seafoam Candy – 8:55

DIY Perfume – 10:01