Advice from Homeschool Moms, Music

How To Teach Music – Even If You Don't Know It Yourself

I was so excited when Amy over at Busy Boys Brigade asked me to be part of her 20 days of homeschool encouragement. I immediately knew I would share encouragement that YOU CAN teach music even if you don’t have a background in it. Go here to read the Full Article!

The thing about music is there are so many different avenues to go down and it can be over whelming for sure. Do you want to teach music appreciation? Do you want to teach music theory? Do you want your child to learn an instrument? If so, which instrument? Once you decide on an instrument, then what program do you choose? Too many decisions can paralyze us from making any decision. I know I’m definitely guilty of that myself.

So how do you start teaching music?

First, decide if you want to teach music appreciation (studying and listing to music) or if you want to teach music theory (reading sheet music) and have your child learn an instrument. I’ve created a FREE 7 day e-course designed to give parents knowledge to teach music. It combines both music appreciation along with music theory. It does not, however, teach any instruments. The e-course has short videos (1-3 min) and actionable steps each day. Somedays are something as simple as listing and talking about a certain aspect of music. Other days, there are free printable like flash cards and activities. I think it’s a great first place to start plus it’s FREE!!
If you’ve decided you’d like your child to learn an instrument, that’s AWESOME! Here are my top 3 choices for beginners with a complete list of pros and cons for each.

Next is the most difficult task…

If you would like to read the rest of this article please head over to Busy Boys Brigade!