Advice from Homeschool Moms, Homeschool Encouragement

I Believe In God And I Am A Secular Homeschooler

The way I see it there are two groups of homeschoolers. The largest group is faith based homeschoolers who include scripture and other religious things in their homeschool day. Then there are secular homeschoolers, most of whom I’ve found to be atheist and not believe in God. I have friends in both categories and I’ve noticed a big gap between secular homeschoolers and faith based homeschoolers. Lets be honest, faith based homeschooling DOMINATES the market of homeschoolers. Perhaps that’s why secular homeschoolers fight so hard to put their beliefs out there? I hear my atheist friends almost mock faith based homeschoolers out of frustration because it’s so hard “filter the religion out” of most homeschool materials. As a secular homeschooler, the struggle is real and I completely understand the frustration. But why is there such a gap? Can you not be a secular homeschooler AND believe in God?     Can you believe in God AND not have religion in your homeschool day? There has to be others out there like me? Right?

Can you not be a secular homeschooler AND believe in God?

What’s right for one family, isn’t right for another. My neighbor is amazing and I admire her so much. She is a homeschool veteran homeschooling six boys ages 20-6 (one is graduated). Her children are kind, considerate and amazing. They follow a Catholic homeschool curriculum. My Cousin is also a great homeschool mom, her kids are also kind, considerate, and amazing. She is atheist and uses a secular curriculum.

No matter what curriculum you are using, you are most likely raising KIND, CONSIDERATE, AMAZING children.
Let’s bridge the gap this month!  February is all about love, so let’s do just that. Send everyone some love. That’s what Christ would do (If your Christian),  It’s also what we should  be doing as caring humans (if you simply don’t believe anything).

So to my Christian, Muslim, Mormon, Catholic, and Atheist friends, you are awesome and doing it right!

No matter what curriculum you are using, you are most likely raising KIND, CONSIDERATE,

AMAZING children.